
I’m Amos Kennedy & I love to print.”

I live in Detroit, Michigan
where I want to build
a community of people
who have the skills to print
and share their stories,
preserve their histories,
and do something good
for the other communities
they are members of.

This is why I am restoring a building, called the Pile of Bricks!

THE PILE OF BRICKS will be a place where people can come and print, learn to print, and teach each other how to print

It will not be a school, but a community printshop that will allow all peoples of the world to explore poster printing via letterpress & wood type.

This building will house my imprint, KennedyPrints!, The Printing Plant, the Printery of the Americas, and a branch of The School of Bad Printing.

Located on the east side of Detroit, Michigan, The Pile of Bricks will be a welcome home to inspiring ink slingers who want to PRINT POSTERS.


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